Saturday, March 1, 2008

Never Again....It's All Joel's Fault.

I got home on Thursday at around 8:30 and basically sat around and then shot up to Hayden and Sonya's for a little hang out time with them and Erin and Dylan. It was fun, we sat around and shot the shit, played a little guitar hero, ate brownies that Sonya had made and then I headed home. It was getting late and I knew that Sonya had to be up for work the next day.
The following day, I hung out with my nephew. He's so funny. We played Cowboys and Indians and made each other laugh all day. It was a fun time. For the first time ever, I swear, he said a complete sentence and it was, "Uncle Bob, we get out of here!" I couldn't stop laughing. Later that day I went to a show with Pillars of Violence, which was fun. The highlight of the night was some girl eating shit because someone jumped on her back. This girl was some shade of idiot. She deserved it. hahaha. Anyway, after sitting there until like 11, Pillars finally played, I grooved, Chris broke a microphone, Jimmy Drop kicked Chris from Life's Cold Grip, Keith almost fell off his stool while playing, and Tony and Dalton thrashed. It was fun. After getting home, me and Tony went over to Kyle's and played a little halo. I got home at 4:00 am and went to bed and didn't wake up until 2.
The next morning, I went and hung out with POV for no reason in Toms River/Manchester. We found some sweet pillars though that looked as if they were medieval torture chambers. After a rousing game of catch and tag we headed back to Manahawkin. I chilled around with John a little while before practice and we went and got some food. I had a Chicken Badass from Burger King personally served to me by the King while John ate colon cleaning Taco Bell. After making a few select stops we headed back to practice. After an hour of feeling useless since I have no speakers for my PA, I left and drove over to "Meat and Cheese's" house where I hung out with the guys from POV and some other honorary mentionable including K-Deini himself, Meat and Cheese aka Brandon, and a few others. That's when Graham called and we both decided to head to a party on the Island. With a short stop at the liquor store to buy Graham the official beer of Bill Murray, "Pabt's Blue Ribbon," we headed over and hit up the party scene. It was a pretty good night. Me and Graham were really raging hard. I had so many root beers it was awesome (still edge). A few hours and a fist fight later, the cops showed up. After realizing that there may have been some underagers there, Graham and I decided to take our party elsewhere. Upon leaving we were pulled to the side by several police officers who issued me a sobriety test because I was driving home. I offered to take a breath-a-lizer because I wanted to blow a zero and blow his mind, but he told me it wasn't neccessary. After standing there for about thirty minutes waiting for my ID to come back showing that I had no warrants out for my arrest, we were allowed to leave.

That is not my beer. I am still edge. Don't worry. Graham on the other hand is drinking the official beer of Bill Murray.

Sunday was lulled along while I started packing my things, like I do every weekend, to head back to the drawing board at Rowan. I feel like I come back with a clean slate. No matter how terrible last week was, this week is going to be better. It's that way every time I come back. I headed over to kyle's house because we had plans to do some things before we headed back. First we watched his Giant's superbowl DVD. Then we tossed around the Frisbee and decided that we would head over to Stafford Forge and walk the trails with Cooper, the dog. I wanted to see if Missy's dog Leo would want to come but Kyle advised against it. He was afraid Cooper would fuck around with him and get eaten although I assured him that Leo was the greatest/nicest dog ever. We had an awesome walk down a few miles of trails. I had never been there and didn't realize how much shit was around there. I'll have to take a special girl there sometime. Maybe sometime. In the future.

Until next time - enjoy the breathes we share together because they are surely running out with each day.

I want to be your Sun.

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