Sunday, May 8, 2011

Conflicting Reports of Disaster

Did you feel the wind pick up?
The nor'easter is moving in,
quickly the tides push forward,
charging the beach,
remembering Normandy on the Atlantic,
old souls surging
from that hazy blue,
and the world spitting down,
leaking life,
and all this destruction
brings me rest.

The crash,
the rush,
large boom,
followed by silence,
the rush,
the silence.

Repetition is endless.

dip your toes in,
not knowing whats underneath.
Those old friends,
buried breath,
waiting to grab hold,
and so remains,
that undertoe.

I fear those moments of clarity,
because its followed by death,
but I guess the sun don't shine forever.

wish to blush in your thoughts and pray for eternity in your absence.