Monday, September 21, 2009

A sense of instability is my crutch,
Yea I'll keep laughing while the roof comes caving in

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


That warm hum,
that needle to the earth,
that warm hum,
at the center of the earth.
It turns,
It turns as those pearly gates are chained,
with platinum locks,
while we wait our turn to pass,
baring witness to the sanctioning of God,
that hum is still there.
Those gypsy kids still march,
blood red boots, curbs flushed with flesh,
stepping through the mounds,
that used to be their heads,
that hum is still there.
and all the while we are wondering,
why we're all alive.
Sound waves still thinking their larger than life.
The Rhythm keeps me safe.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Where Cowboys Dare

Love you Uncle John. Rest In Peace! every grain of sand

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Petitioning An Empty Heart

Those grains of sand passing slowly to the bottom. Time is endless in a world that doesn't count on time. Time is endless when its time to shine. And all light beams streak the stage. They know us, we know them, all too well. Now we are obsolete. The stress of divine intervention, seems to wear us all down. Sun Bleached White, marked for hell, strapped for cash, just can't get well. I feel guilty for my sins, God don't know. I feel guilty for my sins, no God don't know. Pass the proof, mother earth send me home, pass up safety, mother earth let me roam.

I will never be a great writer....

I am limited by my lack of experience.