Saturday, November 10, 2007

An equal exchange of ideas and beleifs without persecution

It’s strange how the leaves change, how no matter how often you rake your lawn in the fall, leaves just keep falling. How cold air and the smell of a fire in a woodstove can arouse so many feelings and memories. How sometimes things have to come to an end and new things begin where the old left off. How a rainy day can leave you time for reflection on the paths that you take. How the world around us is in complete disarray and how you wouldn’t mind God taking this Utopia, which we’ve been handed, from us. Just rip it out like a rug from under our feet. It’s funny how I’ve been able to skim through life without taking any chances. I’ve lived my life in a box.

Today, dashing through my brain, I realized there is a need for extreme moral reform in our world. Some people mistake this for strict religious reform. That just makes things worse because regardless you’re alienating one group of people. Some people believe it needs to take place through racial reform. Bullshit. It’s just an excuse to once again alienate one group of people. I believe in strict firm moral reform without hindering the rights of Americans. When police officers and government officials say that they let the small petty crimes go so to take down larger ones, they are just making excuses for why there’s such a problem in the world today. When a person cannot walk down the street without fearing for their life, there is a problem. I don’t think that our government can get it done. It is time that we stop letting other people do things for us to ensure our freedoms. It is time we took the responsibility into our own hands and fire back at the problem. It is time for revolution; it is time to make a change. No martyr’s, no heroes, no leaders. Moral reform must come if we are to see an improvement in world around us and it starts in our own homes. In our own personal lives. People bitch about how things aren’t going their way; well this is your chance to make them go your way. It is true that great societies have thrived because they had a class of people who they stepped on to thrive. Historically you can see peoples who have been drowned in mud in order for the elite to not get their feet dirty. Look around you. Do you think it’s changed at all? Do you think any of us are any different? I believe not. Not it is time to let your mouths be the vehicle on which change is brought forth, let us lead by example, and let us let our hands bring about radical reform if need be.

Who is the meat and who is the butcher?

Who is the hunter and who is the prey?

Who do we bury without thought and who do we revere in death?

Why are they any different from us?

-Enjoy the life you’ve been given or be punished for the acts you do and do not commit.-

But then again, I’ve lived my life without stepping outside of the box. All that’s needed sometimes is one spark to take matters into your own hands. And when this spark ignites the powder keg that sits under you, ask yourself, “What and Who do I have to live for?” You’re answer will show you the path that diverged in the wood. That crossroad is where a Virtuous man dreams and a Wicked Man Acts.


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