Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Impervious to the dry desolate kingdom of earth, he strives forward, “do not fear the divine, we can rebuild what they can destroy.” “Foolish words from a drunken tongue, speak wisely or these may be your last pleasant breaths of air.” “I surely cannot die, I am a colossus of man.” Cautious be those who spout wisdom from lack of knowledge, more cautious be those that listen with a trusting ear. Staggering to forgiveness, grieving for life, he mocks death as it smiles upon him. To understand understanding is to begin to heal. His last breaths. Now peace is eternal? I hope that your god forgives you for all your sins. I hope that the life you live chokes you as it has choked me. I hope that you are thrown far from the narrow road you walk. I hope your deliverance brings you eternal suffering.

Praying for a miracle, I have to choose between life or death, has life been created out of kindness or wrath, technology seems to be advancing our hate, media biased warrior culture thriving on lack of understanding, progression for the sake of progress, losing hold, losing soul. How important are you, holding grudges on the lifeless. How politically correct. I fester inside your heart, only to stop it from beating. I am the opiate to the masses, I am cynicism, I am the web. See you at the bottom.

Teenage waste is shed on you and me, you are so self righteous, stop your crying, because I ain’t listening. A million have it worse, third world hell hole, no one to hear their pleas, no one to calm their conscience, is my son dead, is my family buried beneath the sun, hunger is setting in, thirst is setting in. You pray for things to be better, he’s tired of listening to your petty pleas, empty heart, empty mind, no remorse. And we are all doomed for your sins, if he’s still there at all. Send me nothing, I walk alone, because a million have it worse.

‘Wipe that smile off your face son’ abusive to the core, ‘If I told you once I told you a thousand times’ taste the satisfaction, my anger is my disease. I’ll feel better if I hit her one more time. Down the hatch, it tastes like success. Work is hell, hell is work, life is pain, so we pursue our American Dreams. Go ahead get that chip off your shoulder, ‘don’t talk back to me.’ I hide myself at all times, behind a cloak, a label, and a bottle. Peel the flesh from my bones, so you can see the rot, peel the world from my shoulders, discover disease. You have entered my frame of reference, ‘BE THE DREAM’ and all is silent so all is well.

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