Sunday, May 18, 2008

To answer questions regarding what I mean by work:

I think most of the work that I need is mental and physical. It's important to be strong and feel strong (yes I did just steal that line from Into the Wild but it's true). If only the saying, "it's not what's on the outside that matters, it's what's inside," was true. Unfortunately the first thing people see is the person on the outside. The persona, the thing that people get to see but never get to really know. This leads to preconceived notions about a persons character and worth. Not only that but people are judged on their looks which is adopted through the adaptation of societal norms and changes with each culture. It's natural selection, our bodies are our peacock feathers. The nicer it looks the more likely people will get to know the inner self. But I digress, to be physically strong in a world that is stuck on this concept of beauty is to promote mental sanity. To be physically strong is to give confidence that I may be able to overcome any physical obstacle put in front of me. Maybe it's my "super-hero complex" but I feel in life we are tested to prove our worth. Will we be able to rise to the occasion or fail to act in moments of great controversy. Which raises my next question, do you believe that we go to hell for the things we do or the things we don't do? Or is it both? I do believe that it was Martin Luther King who said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and conveniences, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Moving past my vanity, Mentally I must also sharpen my mind as to create a better understanding for the people who are around me. Through the study of cultures, history, literature, math, science, religion, etc. I can then begin to understand how the world works. I then can have a better understanding of how to treat my fellow human beings because I better understand how they act and why they do the things they do. To be mentally strong is to be able to discuss any facet of life, no matter how controversial, in an open forum without fear of persecution, alienation, and physical force. How am I going to tell someone their wrong if I've never been in their position, grew up in their world. The only way I can come close is to study the history of cultures and current cultures, create opinions, and be open to others opinions. Through this open forum we can take two opposing opinions and possibly come up with a synthesis and start to create harmony or just realize that we just agree to disagree and move forward from there. To be mentally strong is to come to grips with my emotions, my physical surroundings, my body itself and build a strong foundation so as to create stability within my life. My self-esteem has personally be low for my entire life, well since I stepped into a social setting and was reminded of it everyday. People are a vicious breed with sharp teeth to cut us deep. So you either have to let yourself sink and drown or learn to swim really quick. Still to this day I'm reminded that I'm not tall enough, I'm not funny, I'm chubby,not fast enough, not athletic enough, my writing sucks, I'm a terrible student, I look terrible. Regardless if these analyzations on my life are correct, they have a great impact on my mental view of myself as a person. Everyday I wake up and wonder what I'm doing with my life. I wake up and ask myself, "Bob what are you going to do today to turn it around?" I go to bed at night wondering why I sat and did nothing. Why didn't I make the change. Why didn't I do something different, that wasn't routine. So needless to say I'm just mentally not strong enough for life or maybe it's just because I haven't been tested to my limit. But until then I have to improve myself in order to prove myself down the line. Basically, I still need a lot of work, I'm not perfect means that I just need to get strong, feel strong, be strong. Everyday I wake up I have to make myself a better person in some way. Otherwise, what's the point of even waking up and living. I've already died. Hope that answers your question.

1 comment:

Annonymous girl. said...

Your truth box wouldn't work so I figured I'd leave it here.

I just responedd with this hugeeeeee paragraph and myspace wasn't working and I refreshed the page and it was gone. So I'll try this again and hopefully it sounds like it did the first time.

-"If only the saying, "it's not what's on the outside that matters, it's what's inside," was true. - For some genuine people that saying still holds its truth. Unfortunately we are surrounded by those who judge solely on appearance.
And in many cases what's on the outside is a total misonception of what's on the inside. Whether it be for the better or worse.
You seem very philosophical. You seem to know/want to know about the nature of knowledge. You think critically in order to explore the most fundamental and basic questions one can ask.
I'm not sure if this was a rehortical question or not, but I feel like responding in some way, anyway.
-Which raises my next question, do you believe that we go to hell for the things we do or the things we don't do? Or is it both?
--Many people believe we if we do the right thing, do good deeds etc etc. We'll go to heaven. Which brings me to my next theory. God supposedly doesn't judge people for who they are or what they do, therefore how is it we're determined to go to heaven or hell or not? People also believe God is omni-present.. they believe God is the opiate of the masses..not even God but religious itself. Or is it like dontes inferno and we go to hell for specific sins and depending on the level of "badness" it is, that's how much more we get tortured?

I'm not sure if I'm correct when saying this but you live to be the best you can be or there's no point in living at all? You want to be at your full mental and physical strength?
What about the happy medium in between of living life just to enjoy it and enjoy what you have in front of you? (I'm not saying you don't..) just a thought.

When you stated your 'flaws' or what you think could be your're being tested in itself how you take them or shake them, basically. We're tested everyday in some way or another. For exmple: you're tested everyday to change something about yourself, to better yourself. I don't believe it means you're not mentally strong enough for life..but possibly just nto read to commit or have the motivation to changeyourself everyday? Also, may I ask how you've died already? I'm curious, I'm sorry.