Monday, June 2, 2008

I've been busy so I haven't been able to respond to this one yet. I think people believe that no one relates to them for one of three reasons. The first is because they want to believe that they are the only ones that are feeling a certain emotion and want to be significant in some way. This in turn leads to the second reason, to want to be noticed. I've noticed over my years that usually people get attention through claiming to have it the worst. If someone else is in the same boat as them, they lose their significance, so they pretend and believe that they are the only one's who have life tough. The other reason is that they may have some sort of chemical condition that actually makes them feel or makes them believe that they are the only ones feeling a certain type of pain or depression. Ultimately though, I think when people are depressed they feel like they are on a different planet. They don't seem to feel as if they have anyone to relate to, so they stay isolated. If they looked to talk to someone or to look around them they would easily see that they aren't the only one's who feel that way.

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