Friday, May 16, 2008

Picking my brain

I tried to write this yesterday and I posted it but nothing happened so I'm just going to assume that no one can read it. I actually sat down last night and discussed these very questions with a lot of old friends. I came to the realization that I'm not happy with what I've accomplished so far because I've held high expectations for myself from the very beginning. I guess it's my Napoleon complex. I want to conquer the world and nothing less than that will be satisfactory. I do know that I'm content with where I'm at but I'm not satisfied. I want to keep driving to do better things. I've been able to tour up and down the east coast and meet a lot of new people but I feel like that I haven’t yet been able to do exactly what I wanted on my terms. Don’t get me wrong, I love every second of it. I want it to never end but I need a lot more. I’ve also had the privilege to coach baseball and work with some phenomenal baseball coaches and players but I don’t want to be placed in a mold. As for how I personally feel about myself, I think that I’ve rounded out to be a decent human being who is filled with a range of emotions that sometimes get the best of him. I still need a lot of work, I’m not perfect. I’m no one special, just a loser who was in the right place at the right time and got into a band that became semi-popular in New Jersey. The only regret I have is that the relationship that meant something to me got bogged down with distance and the band and fell apart and I’m still not a peace with it, even after two years. But things happen for a reason I guess.

Plans for the future. Wow, I have a hard enough time deciding what I’m going to have for breakfast in the morning, let alone to tell you where I’m going to be in the coming weeks, months, or years. I know for certain that I will be graduating in the Fall with a BA in History and then heading to Graduate school for my Masters in the Science of Teaching. I know what I want to do and that’s keep progressing while making music, constantly writing and analyzing the world around me, coaching baseball, and adapting to the constraints that slowly squeeze me into a mold. I want to hopefully walk a portion of the Appalachian Trail, work a Summer at Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, Keep touring, start teaching, and find someone to start a family with. Although most of it seems like it may never happen, I’m going to keep pushing to make sure that I keep progressing and keep bettering myself as a person both mentally and physically. I hope that Answers your questions and I hope to hear more from you soon. I wish I had more to say, It’s just a tough question to answer without completely opening up and letting everyone know where I’m 100% at, I’m not ready for that kind of commitment yet. But I gave you about 80% and as time goes on It’ll be less and less. Talk to you soon.


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