Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's finally over....

...this Semester at least.

So it's been a few days since I've last made any contribution to this blog and I feel like I don't have much to say these days. Is it interesting to know what my life has been like these last months? Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Maybe people just don't care and that's fine. I don't write in this thing for other people. Just to give updates to people who give two shits about me on how I am doing. That I'm alive and well or not so well.

Anyway, Christmas is only a few days away and I'm excited. There's something about the holiday season that makes me feel good. I mended some rips and tears in a few relationships that have recently been torn. It's always great when you can make amends without saying anything about it because everything that could be said was already said. Therefore, it just fixed itself. The holiday season also makes me remember all those who we've lost in the past years. My Grandmother, Mother Hayden, Mike Mazz, Jay, all the families that go without these people this year, and how I almost lost my own mother around this time of year two years ago (Who knew that a 30lb benign tumor could have been growing in such a small woman). It was probably the worst Christmas ever, but we pulled together and made it work. I also realize how some of my friends have really grown up and have improved there lives drastically and how they should know that all of their friends and there loved ones are really proud of them.

It's also my nephew's second Christmas and I think I spent my entire life's savings on buying him as many gifts as humanly possible. The holiday's are really for the kids and they deserve to have the most special christmas' ever. Complete with holiday traditions, large feasts, and tons of toys. I wish it could be true for all children but unfortunately it is not. It's time's like these that many of us don't realize or just don't care that there are a large portion of people living in poverty. I want to make a difference. I will make a difference. Will you do the same? Me and Graham have made a decisions to do a large amount of work at camps for terminally ill children and to travel to other countries to teach English at schools for children. I hope it all pans out for us. Hopefully we can do it.

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