Sunday, July 26, 2009

Each Point Remains My Center

In my dreams, I see oceans
bone dry, skeletons of large mammals salting the earth,
I walk it's desolate deserts, I follow it's bottoms,
large mountains rise above me, I move through its caves
I find heat rising from their warm centers,
I close my eyes and see the future, nothing bright,
nothing safe, all desolate, unforgiving earth.
I close my eyes and see windmills,
they turn slowly as the a breeze finally brushes past me,
the earth has stopped kissing our backs and faces,
fluttering warm summer and cold winter air gusts through us,
I feel it in my bones, and taste it on my tongue,
nothing more to understand, no more to love.
Deep breaths and I find forever,
in the moments before sleep.

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